
Hi! I'm Jake

All dressed up for the apocalypse

Published almost 2 years ago • 3 min read


First off a little house cleaning:

I didn't know it at the time, but link to the discord I posted last week had a time limit and it expired. Here's a new link that shouldn't expire any time soon in case you missed it and wanted to join.


It's been a ton of fun seeing what people are posting and discussing over there. The newsletter has it's own thread so you can discuss what I share with other like-minded folks. Come on over, grab a snack and join the party!

Alright, read on, there's 5 things I thought you'd find interesting this weekend.


1) What if Indiana Jones and Magnum P.I. were chipmunks?

From the Drawings Unit


These guys are a couple of my favorite characters from the 90s. The Rescue Rangers show was hugely impactful on my art and directly inspired my MissileMouse comics. Love these guys!!

Still need to see the new movie. I hear it's actually good. Is that so?

You can watch a live stream of me drawing these guys here on IG: LINK


By the way, I'm getting a TON of positive responses to my new Renegades comic. If you haven't had a chance to read it, you can snag a digital copy here:


💥Download it and read it TODAY!💥

2) John Berkey Websites

From the Illustrators Division

Hot dog, what a treat to discover these websites. I've been a fan of Berkey ever since I was like, seven, when I saw his art on the cover of "Our Universe" at the library. Blew me away that someone could paint like that. Plus, that book opened my mind to the beauty of space science.

His fan website is a stash of art I've never seen along with some classics. My only nitpick is the images are low res, and often scans from the printed source.

Berkey's official website is pretty good in that regard, but the selection of work is limited.

Berkey Fan Website: LINK

Berkey Official Website: LINK

(Thanks to TachyonArt's newsletter for the Berkey link. Read his newsletter here.)


From the Fashion Desk in cooperation with the Department of Character Design

Hard to believe this is an actual fashion designer and you can purchase these outfits to wear outside the house. The whole aesthetic for DEMOBAZA is neo-post apocalyptic punk. Those are my words, because believe it or not, the way they describe their clothing is a more of a mouthful:

"DEMOBAZA is a project beyond fashion, that works for the creation of the next dimension. This is the natural progress to a new vibration through galactic transition, enlightenment of the soul and awakening of the consciousness."

It's not my style, but this is an incredible resource for character design. Will be bookmarking this website for future reference!

Check out their incredible collection on their LOOKBOOK page here: LINK

4) Filper Beta 200

From the Office of Aerial Design

If history had charted a slightly different course we might be flying these to work today. I love this unconventional design and the optimism of this project from the 60s. Unfortunately, a flight test resulted in a fatality of a pilot and the project was scrapped. The company making these went into making peach-pitting machines. I guess that's important too.

You can read more here: LINK

5) On To-Do lists

From the Inspirational Thought Unit

Here's a productivity tip I picked up from a Tedx talk by Rory Vaden: How to Multiply Your Time

To-Do List Questions:
1) Can I eliminate this task?
2) If I can't eliminate this task, can I automate it?
3) Can it be delegated, or can I teach someone else how to do this?
4) Should I do this task now, or can I do it later?

Often times I get overwhelmed with to-dos piling up and I keep forgetting this advice. When I look at what is really streamlined in my life it's because I have applied this advice in the past. The trick it to keep remembering ask myself these questions!

That's all for this week. Thank you for reading this newsletter and hope you have a great weekend!


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*Any amazon link I post is an affiliate link

Hi! I'm Jake

My newsletter gives people a 5 minute infusion of inspiration to help them stay motivated to create.

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