
Hi! I'm Jake

Did this 1946 French comic inspire Miyazaki's films?

Published 2 months ago • 3 min read

Issue 189


First, this is it: Self-Publishing Pro is Enrolling now! If you've ever wanted to make and sell your own book and decided 2024 is the year you're going to make it happen, then check out Self-Publishing Pro: LINK (Enrollment closes in 4 days)

Second, super busy these last couple weeks. I think I've bitten off more than I can chew, which is frustrating because at this point in my career I feel like I should've figure out how to pace myself better. That said, I do love every project I'm working on and getting excited to see a bunch of these things finished and shipped off.

Okay, here's FIVE things I thought you'd love as we roll into the weekend!



1) Robot Technology

From the Drawings Unit

Been working on the Robot technology section of the ROBOTS book and I love how these are coming together.

This is just a taste of what's in the book! I'm pretty excited about how it's all coming together. More sneak peeks to come!

See the rest of the Robots Technology Section on Patreon: LINK



I'm posting my process for all my art on the patreon. If you'd love getting more behind the scenes content and learn a little more how I approach creativiy, project management, and business strategies I post over there at least one a week. Consider signing up!

You also get a 15% discount in my shop, and at the end of the month some patrons get all my working files to learn from and pick apart. Sign up here: LINK

2) Did this 1946 French comic inspire Miyazaki's films?

From the Comics Division

Cornebuse et Cie is a French comic written and drawn by Sabran Guy. I don't read French but from what I can tell from the illustrations this is a story about a couple of boys who design their own airplane and then go off on a world wide adventure complete with racist stereotypes that were typical of the time period (not shown).

That unfortunate bit aside, there's a lot of imagination and artistry in this book holds up. It leads me to wonder if a young Miyazaki somehow got his hands on a copy of this and had it percolating in the back of his mind when he came up with Porco Rosso, The Wind Rises, or Castle in the Sky.

You can see the rest here: LINK

3) The Cassette Futurism Design Aesthetic of Early Commercial Computers

From the Industrial Design Desk

I found this website called Technikum 29 Living Museum devoted to an actual private science museum in Germany. The museum focuses on computer history between the 1920s and 1980s. What's really cool is that they strive to present every single device in an operational state.

You can see the museum's growing collection here: LINK

I love the mid to late century design of these devices, with all their buttons and knobs. It's the inspiration for one of my favorite aesthetics in film and comics: Cassette Futurism:

4) The Artistic Alchemy of Joy Ang

From the Illustrators Division

I've been following Joy Ang's work for over a decade, when I first saw her cover illustration for The Anthology Project:

Since then she's become known worldwide for her distinctive and captivating style, particularly in the realm of illustration and character design.

Ang's art often exudes a sense of whimsy and playfulness. Her characters, whether they are humans, animals, or fantastical creatures, often have lively expressions and dynamic poses. I love it.

She doesn't post often, but when she does she always suprises me with where she takes things next. recently she posted these character designs for a personal project she's cooking up:

Really curious wha this is all about.

I'm not sure what alchemy she's using to make her art, but it sure is magical.

You can see much more of her work here:

Website: LINK

Instagram: LINK

Twitter/X: LINK

5) On turning followers into fans

From the Inspirational Thought Unit

Just like last time, installment for the Inspirational Thought Unit this week is A VIDEO!

video preview

This video is further development of the ideas presented in the last video Creating Connection, NOT Content. The idea is that in order to make real fans you can't just be posting on social media, no, you need to make something authentic tangible and share it with people.

Watch the video here: LINK

That's all for this week. Thank you for reading this newsletter and hope you have a great weekend!


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Weekend Reading:

Hi! I'm Jake

My newsletter gives people a 5 minute infusion of inspiration to help them stay motivated to create.

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