
Hi! I'm Jake

Do not mess with Skull Chaser's lemonade

Published over 2 years ago • 3 min read


Is October really halfway through now??? This month always screams by for me. The act of cranking out a good drawing daily makes me lose the sensation of weeks passing by.

Not much to say that I don't already say below. Hope you have a great weekend. Here's 5 things to get you inspired.


1) Inktober Week Two Down!

From the Drawings Unit

For day 11 (Sour) I felt like doing a comic page because I haven’t done one in over a year, and I need to get into shape. I can’t tell you how much I love doing this kind of stuff. I need to carve out more comic time in my schedule!⁣

Also! Here's a nice write up on Inktober by noissue: #Inktober founder Jake Parker on the Beauty of Design Challenges

2) Godzilla VS Gamera Fan Film (actually it's more like a scene)

From the Short Film Division

Godzilla superfan, Uenishi, has been working on this for over a year. I couldn't dig up much about this mysterious CG artist, other than he just LOVES Godzilla and only uses social media to post updates for this personal project.

I assume he works in the Japanese entertainment industry because this short film is AAA grade quality.

Why this is cool:

For the uninitiated, Godzilla has never officially fought Gamera in a film because they are completely separate Intellectual Properties owned by two different production companies and thus live in two separate universes.

It would be like...what if Warner Bros and Disney made a deal to make a Batman VS Ironman movie? That would be insanely rad to see, but highly unlikely.

In that same spirit, kaiju monster fans have to make their own Godzilla vs Gamera fan films. Which is why this is super cool. I hope Uenishi has more time to keep working on this. I love where its going.

3) Ghostly looking "Earth Pyramids"

From the Photography Desk

Hidden in the Italian part of the Alps is this natural formation of rock spires known as the "Earth Pyramids Renon."

German photographer, Kilian Schönberger, hightailed it over there when conditions were just right to get these foggy ghostly looking photos. Pretty dang neat if you ask me.

Google Maps: LINK

Behance Page: LINK

Schönberger's IG: LINK

4) Samurai Drawings

From the Concept Art Division

Concept artist Richard Anderson aka flaptraps illustrated some striking samurai for the Inktober challenge last year.

You can see the entire collection here:






5) On Staying in the Boat

From the Inspirational Thought Unit

Andrew Stanton, big shot director at Pixar, has this to say about the nature of doing something hard:

“If you’re sailing across the ocean and your goal is to avoid weather and waves, then why the hell are you sailing? You have to embrace that sailing means that you can’t control the elements and that there will be good days and bad days and that, whatever comes, you will deal with it because your goal is to eventually get to the other side. You will not be able to control exactly how you get across. That’s the game you’ve decided to be in. If your goal is to make it easier and simpler, then don’t get in the boat.”

I had a bad day this week, and I wanted out of the boat. Luckily, I have an amazing wife who talked me down, and told me to brush all the stuff that was driving me mad aside, and to go draw something I really wanted to draw. So that's why I did a Skull Chaser comic page on Monday. I felt much better afterwards, and felt like I could continue on sailing.

It was a reminder that if you're facing really hard things it might mean you are doing something exceptional. Hard patches are to be expected. They will pass. The reward for all this crap you are putting up with is on the other side. You just have to get to it.

That's all for this week. Thank you for reading this newsletter and hope you have a great weekend!


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Hi! I'm Jake

My newsletter gives people a 5 minute infusion of inspiration to help them stay motivated to create.

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