
Hi! I'm Jake

Do you have one of these?

Published over 2 years ago • 4 min read


Another fine week here at JP Creative International. Alison was out of town this week so I had extra house/family duties. It wasn't so bad because it just meant I got to spend a little more time with the kids than I usually do. All right, lets get down to business...

Here's five things I thought you'd like to check out this week.


1) Skull Chaser in 3D

From the Modeling Division

A friend of mine sent me a link to these recently and I was just floored by how cool these CG models of Skull Chaser are. This REALLY makes me want to pitch an animated series or something.

These were created by 3D artist giobiancoFB.

Click through to see these models on sketchfab where you can actually rotate them in your browser.

Skull_Chaser (Fan Art): LINK

Skull Chaser motorcycle: LINK

Skull Chaser motorcycle..animation: LINK

Skull Chaser motorcycle... in action: LINK


Work on the comic continues, albeit at a slowww pace. Really happy with this panel:

Still working on a new name for it. I appreciate all the suggetions last week. I feel like I'm getting close to something good.

2) Are You an Octopus or a Phoenix?

From the Department of Video Works and the Comics Division

My first youtube video of 2022! I got to interview Ryan Claytor who is one of the most creative and prolific visual storytellers I've had the pleasure to talk to. He shared something with me that was so profound I had to open the video with it. You can see it below: LINK

Come for the 2 minute intro, but stay for the hour long conversation because it's fascinating.

The reason I did this interview was because Ryan reached out to ask if I'd help promote his comic Kickstarter. Once I heard about the kickstarter and a little more about Ryan I knew I had to have him on the channel.

His comic is called A Hunter's Tale LINK

It's a mini comic that was written by his grandfather and illustrated by himself. I love the idea of generational creative collaboration.

I read a poem once about how when everyone dies there's three deaths and it has just stuck with me. The first death is when your heart stops beating. The second is when your body is laid in the grave. And the third is that moment sometime in the future when your name is spoken for the last time.

By making new things out of our ancestor's experiences and words the act of creation has a way of turning the hearts of the children towards their fathers and in a way keeps them alive for future generations.

Ryan's kickstarter ends this weekend, so back it before you miss out on it.

Also, check out Ryan's website here: LINK

2) Check out this Spanish Apartment Complex

From the Architecture Desk in cooperation with the Photography Desk

La Muralla Roja is a post modern apartment complex in Spain deigned by Spanish architect Ricardo Bofill. I could take or leave most of his work, but La Muralla Roja looks incredible.

Even more so through the eyes of a skilled photographer. Ludwig Favre took these photos and treated them with a little color magic in Photoshop making this place feel otherworldly.

You can see more photos of this place here: LINK

And the rest of Favre's work is remarkable. Check it out here: LINK

4) Deiselpunk Electric Motorcycle

From the Office of Wheels

I think this motorcycle is pretty rad. It's electric, but instead of following the trend to make an electric vehicle look more cyber-futuristic the designer fo this bike went retro.

Pulling inspiration from the diesel age, Katalis Company designed this bike with analog instruments, exposed bolts, and bare seams.

You can see more of their motorcycles here: LINK

I like this variant:

(via yanko design)

5) On Manifestos

From the Inspirational Thought Unit

Several years ago I was asking myself the deep questions about art, creativity, life, pursuing happiness, and balancing that against my actions, needs, and beliefs. I decided I needed to make a personal creative manifesto.

I made a video about it way back in 2015: LINK

Manifestos can come across as pretentious, so I don't think you HAVE to have one for yourself. However, it does make things a lot easier when you are in a position to decide what to do with your work as a creative type. When you're caught up in creative bliss the lines between screwing around and getting actual work done can get really blurry. Having a declared a set of rules, intentions, or motives for yourself can keep you from getting too far out in the weeds.

My creative manifesto is simply these three things, and specifically in this order of priority:

  1. Provide a healthy, safe, and comfortable life for my family
  2. Create work that inspires, edifies, or contributes positively to our culture
  3. Teach others to do be able to do what I do

Ideally, the three all work in harmony, but I won't let one thing higher in the list suffer by serving something lower in the list.

I bring this up now only because I recently saw a great manifesto posted by a small publisher based in South London that does zines. They are called Colossive Press and this is their manifesto:

I think there's a lot to gain from this, and if I were to expand Number 2 of my manifesto it would include a lot of what's written here.

If you feel a little lost at times, or are ever unclear as to what you should be doing as a creator, take some time to ask yourself these questions and evaluate yourself:

  • What do you want to accomplish in life?
  • What do you like to do?
  • What are you really good at doing?

Then write something out that nails down your ideals, principles, and motives.

Hope that helps.

That's all for this week. Thank you for reading this newsletter and hope you have a great weekend!


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Hi! I'm Jake

My newsletter gives people a 5 minute infusion of inspiration to help them stay motivated to create.

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