
Hi! I'm Jake

Fresh Out of Silver Bullets

Published over 2 years ago • 2 min read


Hope you're having a good October so far. I've been cranking on my Inktober drawings...but did take a few days off this week to hang out with my family for my kid's fall break. It was nice...but back to work now! I'll be able to rest again in November when Alison and I go on a trip.

Got some fun stuff for you today that came in from the departments here at JP Creative International. Enjoy!

1) Inktober Week One Down!

From the Drawings Unit

Day 7 - Fan
Day 6 - Spirit
Day 5 - Raven
Day 4 - Knot
Day 3 - Vessel
Day 2 - Suit

I am having a lot of fun with this year's Inktober. I love these characters and the head space these Skull Chaser/Missile Mouse universe this puts me in. Still, it's A LOT of work and I wonder if I can keep it up with everything else I've got to do.

2) Custom Bikes

From the Office of Wheels

BARBARA is a Paris based concept design studio that helps their clients visualize their motorcycle before it gets built. You send them a photo of your bike, they photoshop up a plan for how it could look, then you take that image to the shop of your choosing, point to the picture and say "like this."

I'm sure money and notes change hands at some point as well.

Pretty cool work, and a great idea for a business. As for WHO this Barbara person is...they remain enigmatic online. Hat tip to them.

Instagram: LINK

Facebook: LINK

3) The Blanket Octopus

From the Flora and Fauna Unit

Here's an alien living out there in the ocean. Looks like something straight out of The Abyss.

These photos do not do it justice. You HAVE to watch this short clip of it unfurling its rainbow blanket tentacles.

Video: LINK

4) Neon Cities

From the Photography Desk

Like something out of Blade Runner or Akira, Xavier Portela captures the light of cities at night and bathes them in a cyber glow of pinks and blues. There's some great photography going on here, but I think the real magic is what he's doing to these images in photoshop.

Website: LINK

Instagram: LINK

Behance: LINK

5) On Silver Bullets

From the Inspirational Thought Unit

If you're like me, you're always on the look out for a silver bullet. That one piece of mighty ammunition that can slay a beast in single well-aimed shot. But life doesn't hand out silver bullets very often, and so you're left with a lot of the regular lead kind.

Ben Horowitz (a business dude) had this to say about solving problems:

"There is no silver bullet ... No, we are going to have to use a lot of lead bullets."

You want to get so good at your craft that you can do it professionally? Work on the boring hard stuff daily for 5-10 years. You want to build a massive following on social media? Post a ton of good content consistently for 5 years. You want to have a best selling graphic novel? Get into the studio early every day for a couple years and crank out a page a day. You want to have a great relationship with your kids? Have daily positive micro interactions with them that build trust in you as a parent. You get the picture.

You can read Ben's his entire post here: LINK

That's all for this week. Thank you for reading this newsletter and hope you have a great weekend!


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Hi! I'm Jake

My newsletter gives people a 5 minute infusion of inspiration to help them stay motivated to create.

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