
Hi! I'm Jake

His nose is a missile

Published over 2 years ago • 3 min read


Hope you had a good week. Alison went on a trip with our daughter this week so I got to be Rad Dad™ and make dinner and drive kids places. None of the kids died or got injured so I'm calling it a success.

Here's five things I thought you'd like to know about this weekend. Enjoy!

1) On the drawing board

From the Drawings Unit

I'm thinking his nose is a missile. A last ditch defense to spread Christmas cheer to the scrooge scourge.

I haven't had a lot of time to draw the last few weeks, because I've been working on a lot of end-of-year administrative stuff for my LLCs and that is essential. It's the other side of the creative coin.

I did, however, draw a frog and a robot snowman, so I haven't lost my way too much.

2) Thunderpaw

From the Comics Division

Thunderpaw is an abandoned animated webcomic by an artist who goes by the name Jen (couldnt find a last name, but found her twitter: LINK) It's about two lost dogs, Bruno and Ollie, trying to find their way back home. It's apocalyptic, existential, and weird.

And it's just looks downright cool. I love the color palette, the subtle animation, the characters, and the whole vibe. Started back in 2015, and went for 5 chapters before fizzling out. I can only assume the animation industry ate Jen up and she didn't have time to work on this any more. I really want to see if these boys ever make their way home someday, but for now I'll just have to imagine my own ending.

Read it here: LINK

3) If Ecto 1 was a street racer

From the Office of Wheels

Car designer Mikhail Sachko interprets the Ghostbuster's iconic vehicle as a modern day street racer.

More images: LINK

4) LEGO Spaceships

From the Office of Scale Models

Some cool spaceship designs by Tyler Clites.

Tyler and his wife won LEGO Masters and he currently is working as a pro LEGO designer for

I've been following this guy's work for the last decade and he never ceases to drop my jaw.

Check out his flickr gallery here: LINK

Instagram: LINK

Website: LINK

5) On the drip

From the Inspirational Thought Unit

I've been over scheduled lately, trying to find big chunks of time or full days to work on creative stuff. But I keep seeing reminders popping up that it's not the big chunks that matter, it's the consistent dripping of drops of time that erode away the immovable rock.

Here's Leonard Woolf talking about his wife Virginia:

“Every morning, therefore, at about 9.30 after breakfast each of us, as if moved by a law of unquestioned nature, went off and ‘worked’ until lunch at one. It is surprising how much one can produce in a year, whether of buns or books or pots or pictures, if one works hard and professonially for three and a half hours every day for 330 days. That was why, despite her disabilities, Virginia was able to produce so very much.”

There's also this tweet where Neil Gaiman says he wrote Coraline at 50 words a night.

Then I remind myself that the ONLY way I ever finished SkyHeart was because I worked on it consistently from about 4-6am for a year. 2 hours a day before everyone got up.

Yes, big chunks of creative time day-to-day are amazing when you get them, but are the exception for normal mortals like me. Got to remember that it's the drip that erodes, not the down pour.

That's all for this week. Thank you for reading this newsletter and hope you have a great weekend!


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Hi! I'm Jake

My newsletter gives people a 5 minute infusion of inspiration to help them stay motivated to create.

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