
Hi! I'm Jake

Look At This Weird Structure I Found in NYC

Published almost 3 years ago • 2 min read


This last week Alison and I took the kids to D.C. and then up the east coast to the North Fork of Long Island.

(Leaving behind the dog *Walter*, the garden, the house, and the studio to be watched over by capable hands while we are out)

I snapped a few pictures of things that were interesting. Mostly I was just in the moment, so snapping pictures was the last thing on my mind, but I'd thought I'd share some of what I did capture on the trip with you.

With that, here's 5 things I thought you'd appreciate this weekend:

1) New Video!

From the Department of Video Works

A new video dropped this week: LINK

I posted links to the book below, but watch the video if you want to know what I've learned from each book and some good tidbits of info I've pulled from the pages.

If you listened to the 3 Point Perspective Podcast I do with Will and Lee you’ve probably heard me talk about these books once or twice. These books have been super impactful in how I manage my time, accomplish goals, and determine what to focus on. Hope you check them out sometime and that they are helpful for you too.

Deep Work by Cal Newport: LINK

Artists Don’t Starve by Jeff Goins: LINK

Habits by James Clear: LINK

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2) Cosmic Communist Constructions!

From the Office of Book Acquisitions

Speaking of books. One of my favorite places to stop in NYC is Books Kinokuniya. They have a massive collection of books from all over the world. Books you wouldn't think you needed until you were holding them in your hands. Books like CCCP.

CCCP is a Taschen book. Taschen is know for quality LARGE books full of photos and illustrations on very niche subjects. The only problem is if you are traveling, they are too big to take on a plane. These books are also pricey. You have been warned.

But as you can see in the top photo they sometimes release these things in a more affordable and more portable size. Perfect bait for an unsuspecting traveling artist with an interest in architecture and the Soviet Union.

The book is fascinating. I'd describe it myself, but the director Michael Mann does a much more eloquent job of it. When asked what his favorite Taschen books were his reply was:

“My two favorites at the moment are Cosmic Communist Constructions with its post-sputnik megalomania, while hidden within the architecture’s DNA, almost unconsciously, is a remnant of Socialist purpose—glorious, excessive, and tragic—and Caravaggio, for some of the same reasons.“

3) Cool Motorcycle I saw on the street

From the Office of Wheels

Just thought this thing was cool. 10/10, would ride through town.

4) Interesting structure I saw from the High Line in NYC

From the Department of Interestingness

It's cool that this steampunk robot body has a second life now as a refuge for birds and a tree in the middle of this metropolis.

Spotted this little detail after looking over this image again:

5) On Functionality

From the Inspirational Thought Unit

We visited the National Museum of American History. The most fascinating exhibit in my opinion was Julia Child's kitchen. It wasn't a pinterest/instagram kitchen, it was a working kitchen. It looked like a place where things were invented, refined, and perfected. I was inspired to not worry about the form my studio takes, but to be more concerned with its functionality.

That's all for this week. Thank you for reading this newsletter and hope you have a great weekend!


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Hi! I'm Jake

My newsletter gives people a 5 minute infusion of inspiration to help them stay motivated to create.

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