
Hi! I'm Jake

Really liking this retro 70s animated spy series

Published over 2 years ago • 3 min read


Rolling into a three day weekend here in the States. Been grinding on a freelance job I couldn't refuse (hence no newsletter last week) but I need a break. So I'm excited to hang with my family and chill out for a few days this weekend.

Got some fun stuff for you today that came in from the departments here at JP Creative International. Enjoy!

1) MORE Little Bots

From the Art Department

Can't stop creating these guys! I've done 12 App Bots and am moving on to Comic Bots. I've got a list of like 30 more I want to do. Might have to stop when Inktober comes around though, I doubt I'll be able to keep doing both at the same time.

2) Yuki 7

From the Film and Animation Division

I've been a fan of Kevin Dart for years and it's so gratifying to see his character Yuki 7 come to life in this animated micro series being released from his animation studio Chromosphere.

Watch the short below:

Excited to see where this all goes!

3) Space History Auctions

From the Air and Space Division

Stumbled on this nice little resource of cool space reference/imagery. Every few years, it seems, fancy auction house Bonhams does an Air and Space auction, and the stuff they scrounge up is a treasure trove of vintage space tech awesomeness.

Lots of clean crisp photos of stuff like this:

You can see all the Air and Space actions here: LINK

These photos are from the July 2016 Auction: LINK

4) Hand Carved Caves in New Mexico

From the Architecture Desk

Ra Paulette is self described "Digger of caves and Piler of Rocks." Just discovered his work, even though it made the rounds in the zeitgeist back in 2013 when a documentary film about him was nominated for an academy award.

He carves cave spaces out of these outcroppings in New Mexico. He's done over a dozen of them. Most of them commissions for wealthy Santa Fe desert dwellers.

They look other worldly. Filing this away for location inspiration for my Skull Chaser comic.

More info here:

CBS Sunday Morning report on Paulette: LINK

Cave Digger | Oscar Nominated Cave Art Documentary: LINK

5) To Busy for Creativity

From the Inspirational Thought Unit

I read a couple articles recently about how society is becoming less creative:

Research Suggests We're All Getting Less Creative and Scientists Think They Know Why

Why Creativity Is Tanking

In short, our society is less creative now because we aren't bored. We are too entertained and productive to let our minds wander.

I've long believed that creativity thrives under constraints. Things like limited time, simple resources, narrow subject matter, and a specific style all force the artist to come up with creative solutions to creating art.

I hadn't really considered that the constraint of nothing to do actually breeds ideas.

Lately I've succumbed to the temptation of filling every moment of my day with DOING something. If I'm not focused on output, I'm focused on input. If I have a few extra minutes alone in the car after dropping kids off at school, I'm catching up on podcasts. If I have a free minute in line at the grocery store I'm checking Instagram. As I lay in bed at night I'm reading something.

Absent from my days is boredom. And I miss it.

If you are feeling uninspired or less creative, I guess the solution is spend a little time each day or week being bored. What I mean by that is have time without any input. Set aside the phone or tv or games or podcasts or audio books or whatever. And just be.

I'm going to try it this weekend and fold it into my schedule weekly. I'll see what happens and report back. You try it too!

That's all for this week. Thank you for reading this newsletter and hope you have a great weekend!


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Hi! I'm Jake

My newsletter gives people a 5 minute infusion of inspiration to help them stay motivated to create.

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