
Hi! I'm Jake

Skull Chaser stole someone's hand

Published about 2 years ago • 3 min read


Did you have a good week? I had a good week. JP Creative International has been humming along in all departments piecing together a fine edition of the newsletter for you today. This is Issue 124 believe it or not. Nothing special about that number, but it is the 4 year anniversary since I started this version of the newsletter.

Previous versions were sent out more randomly and were primarily marketing emails. But since February of 2018 this newsletter has come out almost weekly and has been more about what inspired me that week, and a log of projects I'm working on.

You can read the first one here: LINK

and the entire archive here: LINK

Don't want to dwell on this too long, just thought I'd make a note of it, and thank you all for reading this each week!

Here's five things I thought you'd like to check out this week.


1) A Beast of a Double Page Spread

From the Making Comics Division

Made some good progress on the comic this week. Really happy with this double page spread. I designed a new set of characters for the comic called the Scorpios. They're a criminal society with a strong presence on the planet Spartha. They specialize in arms trafficking. Initiation into their family requires one to remove all the hair on their body, have a special communication ring implanted around their jaw/neckline, and get a scorpio tattoo on their chest and forehead.

I'm going to release the first issue of this comic digitally at the end of the month. I'll be Kickstarting a print version in April.

Join the Patreon: Patrons are getting frequent updates on this comic, including more behind the scenes stuff. They've also read the full comic in both roughs and now pencils as I finish them. Tomorrow I'll be posting inked pages for patrons. When I finish the comic I'll have an exclusive special edition PDF for patrons.

Join here: LINK

2) The Hunter

From the Comics Division

I think Joe Sparrow's "The Hunter" threads the needle nicely. It's a short story about a rich lord obsessed with hunting down and killing one of every animal on earth. Yes, you can expect that his preoccupation with hunting will lead to his demise, but there's a breakthrough the character has at the end which was kind of surprising.

You can read it here: LINK

You can also get a print (non animated) copy on Amazon: LINK

Lots of great work on his tumblr too: LINK

3) The Typography of More Tong

From the Department of Graphic Design

I've seen the work of More Tong pop up on my pinterest feed from time to time and it always stops me in my tracks. It just looks so cool. I don't know if it's something dug up from the past or if it is design visiting from an unknown future. Timeless, but also futuristic? Definitely.

I'd love it if soda pop cans all looked as beautiful as the one he designed for 7-up. I'd have a hard time recycling it.

Tong doesn't have much of a presence on the internet other than a few designs he's posted on his Behance account. Means he's probably getting some actual work done.

4) Pascal Hausermann

From the Architecture Desk

Sitting squarely on the aforementioned crossroads of timelessness and futuristic is the work of architect Pascal Hausermann.

I've seen his work pop up every now and again in places online but I never tracked it back to the source. This stuff is incredible and lightyears ahead of his time. I think his design philosophy is leapfrogging over earth based structures and is inspiring what humans might be living in on the moon or Mars. They say his work is a processor to the blobitecture movement. I think it transcends it.

That last photo is my favorite. Seeing his building succumbing to time and nature makes them it all the more beautiful in my opinion.

A lot more images here: LINK

Note: I'm pretty sure this guy inspired the architecture seen in the comics of Masimune Shirow. I've been studying Shirow's Appleseed and Dominion lately (his non-naked lady work) getting inspiration and ideas for panel layouts for the comic I'm currently working on.

5) On Stair Climbing

From the Inspirational Thought Unit

Sometimes an image just nails a concept so much better than words:

I come back to this theme a lot. Eating an elephant on bite at a time, dripping water eroding a stone, and in this case: climbing stairs.

Show up every day and just do what is in front of you. Don't worry about tomorrow, or yesterday. Just climb the step.

(Image by

That's all for this week. Thank you for reading this newsletter and hope you have a great weekend!


My sponsor for this newsletter is…me. It's me, because I'm not accepting sponsors for my email list, and don't plan to any time soon. Really, I'd just like people to buy stuff from my shop. If you like this newsletter, you can support it a few ways:

Order something from the shop (Best)

Back a kickstarter when I launch one (Also Best)

Support me on Patreon (Second Best)

Share the newsletter with a friend (Third best)

Shop for art supplies using my affiliate links* (Fourth best) Mention it on social media (Fifth best)

I'd appreciate any of these when you can. Thanks!

*Any amazon link I post is an affiliate link

Hi! I'm Jake

My newsletter gives people a 5 minute infusion of inspiration to help them stay motivated to create.

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