
Hi! I'm Jake

The last headhunters

Published over 2 years ago • 4 min read


Had a good week, hope your week was good too. If not let's shoot for the weekend being everything you need it to be.

Here's five-ish things I thought you'd like to check out this week.


1A) Making Comics!

From the Making Comics Division

Been working on the comic this week. Laying down cauliflower panels one drip at a time. I've got the first chapter fleshed out. You can see here how loose and rough it is at the beginning. Next phase is pencils, then I'll ink it. I haven't thought about coloring yet: whether I'll hire a flatter and color the rest myself or just hire a colorist to do the whole thing remains to be seen.

I'm posting the whole process on my patreon. I've been sharing things step by step, and a lot of unpacking of thoughts around creating things and how I work.

Now would be a great time to join if you want to support the creation of my projects. I'll be rewarding patrons with the final PDF copy of this comic and issues 2 and 3 as well when they are finished.

Become a patron here: LINK

1B) 100th Episode of 3 Point Perspective!

From the Office of Podcasting

I can't believe we made it to 100! When we started the podcast back in 2018 I just wanted to see if we could do 25 episodes in a year. I didn't want to over extend ourselves, and just wanted to slip it into our lives in the least distracting way. My main priority was that we stay consistent.

That first year there were some hiccups with tech and schedules, but we found a groove and kept at it. In the years since the podcast has seen the loss of a spouse, a mother and father, 3 interstate moves, and a wedding. Yet we kept at it.

100 Episodes later we've moved to doing it weekly, started interviewing guests, and have given paying work to over 50 artists who've done our episode illustrations.

You can watch the 100th episode live stream here (it was yesterday)

And you can go back into the archives and listening/watching every episode here: LINK

2) The Minimalist Sci-fi Art of Hugo Moreno

From the Illustrators Division

I was first made aware of Hugo Moreno's work when I saw his short film Eclipse (2012) made while a student at Goeblins.

You can watch it here. It's nice: LINK

Since then I've seen his work pop up from time to time in my feed, but I never pieced it together that they were done by him. Then I found his website and was delighted to see all of his work in one spot.

Really digging it. He's like a minimalist Moebius. There's a retro-futuristic flair to it. Like it's a late 20th century view of the future if Piet Mondriaan and Patrick Nagel had a baby. Maybe? Can't put my finger on it.

Check out the rest of his stuff here: LINK

3) Mike Mignola doing fanart

From the Comics Division

Mignola doesn't have a lot of work right now or something, but that's good because he's filling time by doing fan art. An not the pencil sketches like he did during quarrantine. These are like comic covers or pin ups. I love seeing characters from DC and Marvel through his eyes.

Also he's posting process stuff which is cool:

I have no business doing this, but I couldn't help myself and colored the Joker one. You can see my take on it here: LINK

He's posting them over on his facebook page if you want to stay up to date on these fan arts: LINK

4) The Last Head Hunters

From the Cultural Archives Concern

Indian photographer Trupal Pandya "documents indigenous communities, explores their local practices, and shows through his pictures how people around the world live." (from his bio)

I love what he's doing. There's several photographers doing stuff like this, but the lighting, and subject matter Pandya does just connectable. I can see each of these people in myself...or in someone I know reminding me that we are all brothers and sisters.

It's also just good creative grist for the idea mill when you're trying to come up with characters, locations, and imagery for your stories.

His headhunters series is captivating (above) see the rest of the series here: LINK

More of his photos on his website: LINK

5) On bothering

From the Inspirational Thought Unit

I'm not a guy who reads poems for fun or leisure...but a good poem always seems to hit me hard just at the times I need them. Poet Sean Thomas Dougherty wrote the above poem. It's from his book The Second O of Sorrow.

I needed to see this. Here I am wondering why I should spend half my week working on a comic about a space mouse and a living skeleton. Who cares about that? Who needs it? Why bother?

"Because right now, there is someone out there with a wound in the exact shape of your words." - Sean Thomas Dougherty

You can switch out "words" with images, film, dances, scale models, comic pages, LEGO builds, and I think it still works just the same.

As I worked on my comic this week I also noticed I've been feeling high. I get that way when I make things, especially comics. I've been in such a good mood. Felt like nothing could bring me down.

Thinking about this poem today I realize that maybe the wounded person who needs my comic

And that's reason enough for me to bother.

That's all for this week. Thank you for reading this newsletter and hope you have a great weekend!


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Hi! I'm Jake

My newsletter gives people a 5 minute infusion of inspiration to help them stay motivated to create.

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