
Hi! I'm Jake

The most insanely cool baby announcement I've ever seen

Published over 2 years ago • 2 min read


Hope you all had a great week. This week I focused on turning off unnecessary inputs to free up space in my brain for thoughts. Consequently I had a breakthrough in this Skull Chaser story Ive been working on. Soooo, being bored works? Yes!

Got some fun stuff for you today that came in from the departments here at JP Creative International. Enjoy!

1) Throttle

From the Making Comics Division

Last night I was reminded of some old comics I made about 20 years ago.

Way back in 2001 I wanted to draw comics so badly, but I had no idea how. I figured the best way to learn was to just do it.

In order to do this, I needed a premise. So I came up with the throttle device. A small amulet that gave the bearer amazing powers. My idea was to show it as it passed from hand to hand over the years.

My primary concern was to just figure out how to show the story through panels. I didn’t care that the drawing was nice, just that it was clear.
That’s why I started out drawing them so crudely.

After doing about 7 of these I felt strong enough in my comic abilities to move on to the next project and the comic stopped.

I haven’t looked at these in years, but seeing it with fresh eyes my influences are blaring at me. I learned so much doing these little comics, and some of the techniques I still use to this day.

There's 7 Throttle comics that range from these simple pixelated sketchy ones to more polished and final art.

You can read the rest here: LINK

2) 90s Anime Styled Baby Announcement

From the Film and Animation Division

Some people get an extra dose of talent juice, and one of those people is Sylvain Decaux.

Check out this jaw dropping video he made to announce the birth of his second baby here:

Sylvain posted a bunch of development and behinds the scenes stuff over on his art station here: LINK

3) A futuristic car that just looks rad as heck

From the Office of Wheels

The 2016 Faraday Future FFZERO1 looks like something out of Blade Runner and I love it.

More about the car here: LINK

4) Mignola's Pinocchio

From the Office of Book Acquisitions

My favorite artist is illustrating a Pinocchio book.

The publisher, Beehive books does some BEAUTIFUL work. Check out their website here: LINK

This is going to be something special I think. You can sign up to be notified about the Kickstarter for it here: LINK

5) Punishment vs Reward

From the Inspirational Thought Unit

"Life punishes the vague wish and rewards the specific ask." - Tim Ferris

Just a reminder that to get what you want in life, the more specific you are about what you want the easier it is for you to start chipping away at the roadblocks stopping you from attaining that.

Also, the difference between asking and wishing is one puts the responsibility on you to do something about it, and the other is an exercise in waiting around, hoping luck graces you with its influence.

Be specific, and ask.

That's all for this week. Thank you for reading this newsletter and hope you have a great weekend!


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Hi! I'm Jake

My newsletter gives people a 5 minute infusion of inspiration to help them stay motivated to create.

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