
Hi! I'm Jake

My newsletter gives people a 5 minute infusion of inspiration to help them stay motivated to create.

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Did Jurassic Park ruin the T-Rex?

Issue 196 Hello, Work has been solid lately. I just delivered the first 100 pages of the graphic novel I'm working on. Can't wait to tell you about it when the publisher gives the OK. Things are also coming together for the reboot/glow up of We are going to be taking our teaching to another level. More on that next month. Lots of great stuff to share today, so let's get to it. Here's FIVE things I thought you'd love as we roll into the weekend! Enjoy! STAYING IN THE LOOP: 3PP...

Issue 195 Hello, I've been neck deep on the big graphic novel project I'm working on with Scholastic. I can't really talk about it yet, but when the time comes you won't be able to get me to shut up about it. Haha. The rest of my time has been working on SVSlearn 2.0 which will be launching in November. I'll be sharing more about that as things start to solidify. It's going to be soooo cool! Okay, here's FIVE things I thought you'd love as we roll into the weekend! Enjoy! STAYING IN THE LOOP:...

Issue 194 Hello, My Comics Creator Head Start Workshop is next Saturday. We have over 20 people signed upI I would love to have you if you're wanting to learn how to save time in the comics process, and make work that matters. Enrollment closes next Friday night. July 20th and 27th. Mark your calendar, and enroll today: LINK COMICS WORKSHOP INFO Okay, here's FIVE things I thought you'd love as we roll into the weekend! Enjoy! STAYING IN THE LOOP: 3PP Podcast: Is My Work Ready for Market? 3PP...

Issue 193 Hello, The heatwave continues here in AZ, as it is around the US. Hope you are staying cool. I'm really looking forward to going up to the mountains in a few weeks to escape this furnace. Okay, here's FIVE things I thought you'd love as we roll into the weekend! Enjoy! STAYING IN THE LOOP: 3PP Podcast: When Can I Make What I Want to Make? 3PP Podcast: Should You Join The Exodus To Cara?) Optimus Prime does not play games. 1) Comics Workshop! From the Office of Online Education With...

Issue 192 Hello, Not my typical newsletter today. As I sat down to write the inspirational thought unit segment the idea kind of took over and I decided I just want to post it on it's own and see what you think. One of my biggest worries these days is that creative people, when faced with the threat of AI, are just going to give up on their creative dreams, or spend so much of their time pushing back against it online that they neglect to make anything of their own. One artist I follow seemed...

Issue 191 Hello, We are heating up here in AZ! Summer hit us like a sledgehammer this week. Usually, I'm tucked away in my air conditioned office, but yesterday I went to Costco to pick up a rotisserie chicken, and BOY, that was not a pleasant experience. Thankful for pools, AC, and big bags of ice. Okay, here's FIVE things I thought you'd love as we roll into the weekend! Enjoy! STAYING IN THE LOOP: 3PP Podcast: Starting Illustration Later In Life 3PP Podcast: How To Get Your Art Noticed (By...

Hello! I've got two things to share today: 1) I finished the ROBOTS book! 2) It is my birthday! What this means is: 1) The digital copy of ROBOTS is available NOW and 2) I have a birthday discount for you. The physical books are currently getting printed overseas and won't be shipped out until July. HOWEVER, the digital edition is now available for those of you who can't wait to get the physical copy in the mail. You can get your own copy on gumroad here: Use...

Issue 190 Hello, The last month has been hard and good. I've been grinding away on the Robots book and Self Publishing Pro finishing both the art for Robots and the lectures for SPP. I'm soooo happy to get the bulk of these projects off my plate, because I just landed a deal and signed a contract for a secret graphic novel project that I can't speak about just yet. Hope you're enjoying spring. We've been getting some nice surprise rainy days here in AZ. And my son and his wife are coming to...

Issue 189 Hello, First, this is it: Self-Publishing Pro is Enrolling now! If you've ever wanted to make and sell your own book and decided 2024 is the year you're going to make it happen, then check out Self-Publishing Pro: LINK (Enrollment closes in 4 days) Second, super busy these last couple weeks. I think I've bitten off more than I can chew, which is frustrating because at this point in my career I feel like I should've figure out how to pace myself better. That said, I do love every...

Issue 188 Hello, First thing, I gotta tell you about what I've been working on for months: Self Publishing Pro I just launched a free 6 video mini course called Self Publishing Pro. If you ever wanted to self-publish anything, these videos are for you. Sign up here: LINK (There's 6 videos, and they're like 10-15 min each. You're going to get some actionable advice out of these.) My wife's out of town for the weekend which means I need to go pick up the kids and make dinner, so let's get right...